Mart Oosterveld

Frontend developer from the Netherlands
“My passion has always been tech. This means designing interfaces and building them in a structured, clean code way. That is what thrives me every day.”

About me

Want to know more about me?

Building bridges

With a background in graphic design and development I build bridges between multiple disciplines.

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App developer

Building apps make me happy. Be it hybrid apps, native or webapps.

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I’m always creative. Visually, but also by thinking about technical solutions; inside and outside the box.

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Hungry for some reading?

Every now and then I write a blog post. This can be about tech, project management, design or other IT related subjects. This is a great way to get an impression of how I work.

House design

House design

Design your own house and create photo realistic images In 2019 me and my girlfriend bought a new house. I like to be visual, so I decided to design our home before it was built. This gave us the opportunity to get a feeling of where our furniture could be, and what...

Horizon goalsetting app

Horizon goalsetting app

An app that helps you set goals In 2020 I created the app Horizon. In this app you can set goals, and be reminded of them every day. Within this goal you can create subgoals, and that way you can take little steps towards your bigger goal every day. Because I'm always...

Wanna bet?

Wanna bet?

A betting app in which you can challenge your friends into a bet. In 2018 I created a design for an app in which you can make a friendly sports bet with friends, family or co workers. It works with fictional coins, and whenever you have won your bet, you get the coins...


Want to get in touch?

For questions or suggestions you can reach me. Full in the contact form and I’ll respond when I can.